How to Complete the Dissertation by Writing Every Day

If you are waiting for the day when you will feel like writing your dissertation and complete it in a few days, then let me tell you, the day will never come. You have to schedule reading, writing and reviewing on a daily basics so that you not only complete it, but also produce a top quality research work. If you want to learn about how to write everyday. Then,

Here are five ways to contribute to your dissertation every day :

Start fresh

Start writing on a blank page,with fresh ideas.You can take up smaller sections and read thoroughly before you start writing.


Writing on blank page may not possible everyday. Edit line by line what you have already written to refine your writing.


Once in a while, you need to have the macro picture of your dissertation. Revisit the outline and compare it with the format provided by the college or check the continuity of ideas presented. Restructure the topics if they are confusing to the reader to make them more coherent.

Compile the different stages of the dissertation

The dissertation is written in stages, first you need to present the abstract, then proposal, then a mid report and the final report. At every stage the idea of the dissertation develops slowly. It is necessary when you write the final copy, to revisit the previous reports and compile the ideas together.

Check references and footnotes

References and footnotes are essential in your dissertation. You need to cite the sources that you have referred and taken text from, while your phd dissertation writing. Take time to accurately complete the task to avoid any plagiarism.

Schedule the time when to write your dissertation, take a breaks to relax your mind and keep track of time spent. This will give a sense of accomplishment and you can monitor your progress.

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