Tried and tested tips to convert your PhD thesis into a book that sells

Completing a PhD thesis is a crucial moment in every research scholars life. It’s a significant contribution to the existing knowledge in their field and is supposed to be their magnum opus. After putting in all your hard work into your thesis, isn’t it obviously hard for a research scholar to imagine his/her perfectly crafted thesis not contributing to the society and is gathering dust on a shelf? As per the team offering PhD thesis help, publishing a thesis is not an effortless task as a thesis in its purest form is never publishable.

Are you looking forward to rework your thesis into a book and get it published? However, reworking your thesis isn’t just about making a few changes in your thesis, but requires a lot more than mere revision. To help you out, we have enlisted a few proven hacks to transform your thesis into a publishable form document.

1. Rewrite the sections 

First of all, prepare a new outline and start with the writing process all again. While rewriting, pay attention to complex and long sentences and ensure that they do not contain ideas which are repeated more than twice. Segment your paragraphs into bits ( length varying between 3 to 15 lines) and vary them between, say, three and twenty lines) and use passive & abstract nouns wherever necessary.

2. Focus on the center aspect of your PhD thesis 

Cull the important theme in your thesis and pen-down contents that are relevant to the crucial theme and eliminate too many technical jargons. Remember, if you want to publish your thesis as a book, then it shouldn’t target only subject specialists, but also non-specialists audience. However, if you are unable to eliminate technical words and rewrite the sentences while maintaining the meaning of the context, then take help from writers providing thesis writing help.

3. Aspects to be added 

Most often the contribution that your thesis makes is found in its middle sections. In such a scenario, pare away the rest and include,

  • Coherence: Your book needs to have an organic unity and must be bound together by a narrative thread. The added advantage of doing this is, by tracking down the trajectory of your argument, you can find out what materials are missing your book and add them if necessary.
  • Index – Although an index is not very important until the book is in production, adding it can be proved beneficial as your index can act as a ‘mind map’ of your study and help you find out entities & subentities that are missing in your book.

4. Aspects to be eliminated 

There are many aspects in your thesis that need to be eliminated as it does not belong to a book. Such aspects to be reworked and chopped off. These include,

  • Quotations – Supporting your theory with the words of authority does not look elegant and sensible in a book. Hence it is better to paraphrase rather than including quotations.
  • Tables – Tables can be proved troublesome as it can distract the reader’s attention. So try to summarise and rewrite the tables in a text form instead.

If you need some assistance in rewriting the tables in a text form, then take help from academic writers delivering thesis writing help.

Are you anticipating to build your career in the academic field? Then it is crunch time to convert your thesis into book and achieve your dreams.

Category : Thesis , Writing
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